The next element we're going to talk about is air. Everyone loves a warm windy day right? It's important to remember that Air and Fire are natural compliments to each other. The reasoning behind that statement is that our idea of " elements" follow a give and take rule. Now in most astrology books they explain this by saying that Air and Water are sustaining or nurturing elements but I think that might be confusing. Instead we will compare it to food! You need food and water to live right? And you need even more of it if you're going to climb mountains or invent a time machine. Air and Water represent the type of energy we get from food and water. Earth and Fire are the elements that allow us to put that essential energy to work. Food goes to your body's internal furnace to be processed and burned. Now Air is the type of food that works best for Fire. Both of these elements are a little more mentally stimulating and like to communicate with words, ideas, passions, etc. So this pair is more likely to help you build a time machine. And the Water + Earth combination is more likely to help you climb a mountain. Remember that Fire can still draw energy from Water, it dosen't mean that energy isn't being shared and transferred. The fire will still burn but it will be harder to reach it's full potential because the engine will still be running on gas, but not the type of gas it was made for.
So let's talk about Air more specificly. What is the essence of this element when you get right down to it's core? Most books will tell you that it's intelligence and mental power. And it's true that people who have a lot of air signs in their personality's DNA are often very smart and quick thinking. But I think the real essence, the real treasure of air signs, is their ability to be separate from other people. Does that sound odd? I'm sure it does. Air signs have the ability to detach themselves from other people and events. They can simply exist. Why is that wonderful and what does it mean when we are talking about personality traits???
Why it's wonderful: Because that means people with air signs can be more self sufficient. They might like living with other people but they don't need to for the sake of mental or emotional sanity. And it gives them the ability to look at situations fairly without as many personal judgments. They are able to meet new people without any particular expectations or judgments. They give new friends a fair shot. Last but not least, isn't it wonderful to think that someone has the ability to be happy in a truly light-hearted child like way, even if the whole world is crumbling down? Because they can form an inner sense of calm and balance which the outside world can not touch.
Why it can be a problem: Air signs are often described as being cold or unsympathetic because they can detach their emotions from others and it makes the empathy they give less personal and much more general. If they do you a kindness you may feel like ... " well he would do that for anyone. It doesn't mean I'm special or that we are close." Some people have trouble feeling close to people with these traits. It can seem like they are walking around with a shield over their heart at all times so that you can't get in.
The three signs that express the element of air are Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius. You might recall that yesterday we talked about the 3 modes of astrology and how they help us measure the intensity that each element has in the three signs that express it.
Libra ------------ - - - - - - - - - - - - Aquarius - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Gemini - - - - -
Cardinal - Libra is the cardinal air signs. It reaches outward to try to shape and influence the world.
So Libra is taking that great energy and trying to do something with it. This sign is especially
good at fairness and likes to meddle in things.
Fixed - Aquarius is the fixed air sign. Like all fixed signs it is securely rooted in it's self. Sometimes
being " rooted " in yourself can look like selfishness, vanity, or tremendous self confidence.
Aquarius is the one who most often seems to be wearing a shield over it's heart as a means of
self preservation.
Mutable - Gemini is the mutable air sign. It is the most adaptable and we usualy think of that as a
good thing. But remember that it can also make a person look uncommitted, or unreliable.
Gemini is often the most social of the air signs and does not find it as easy to detach from the
world as the other air signs.
You can imagine this as a very strong wind that starts near the Libra with a very concentrated flow of air which begins to spread out a little near Aquarius, and by the time it reaches Gemini it's rushing off into all different directions.
I hope you enjoyed the description of air signs and that it got you thinking!!! Please feel free to leave your thoughts and comments. I'd like to hear what ideas and questions this information inspires in your mind!
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