Today's topic of conversation was inspired by the relationship I've noticed between venus signs and moon signs. I make it a habit to look at multiple sources of information when it comes to astrology. So even though I know a little about venus and moon signs already, I continue to look them up on different sites and in any new books I find, because I'm always excited to hear a new idea or point of view. Now on my birth chart venus is in Libra but as I was reading through the description of venus in Virgo I found it struck a cord with me and I could easily see those qualities in myself. Virgo is my moon sign.
I have a few close friends who's signs I can remember easily so I checked theirs too and found that the descriptions of the venus signs that matched their moon signs were also accurate, just as accurate as their real venus signs. Now let me explain why this would make sense.... As I mentioned before, our moon signs represent our subconcious self. That means they are our instincts, our way of responding without thinking, and our most rudimentery needs.
I've had people tell me before that they pick the wrong people all the time. They say that somehow they always wind up with crazy unbalanced boyfriends or girlfriends. Or a person will say to me that they love a person but that the person dosen't deserve their love, so why do they feel this way? And my responce has always been that you should look at your past relationships, all of them, good or bad, and see what those people all have in common. Because love is so personal and so deep, that every time we love another person it tells us something about ourselves. Love is something we give to others but it also reflects back at us, and shows us who we are, what we value, and what we need.
In astrology venus describes the things we love, the people, the place, and the ideas. But the moon is the reflection of that love on us. It's what that love says about our inner most needs. So read both of them carefully and really put some thought into the pattern you are making for yourself. Some people believe in fate and others don't. But weather it's real or not we can find ourselves in the same situations over and over again, because of our own decisions. Now maybe you will look in that mirror and you won't like what you see, then what? Well if you have an insecurity or an emotional need that is driving you to make the same decisions over again, don't beat yourself up over it. And don't react by trying to do the exact opposite all the time either! Instead, try to think of a way you can get what you're craving but in a very healthy way.
For example, maybe you just care too much, you're too sensetive, or you try too hard to please others and go that extra mile for them. These things aren't bad at all! But they mean that you need to find someone who will appreciate that sensetive caring trait, and not just appreciate it, but also give you the extra strength and stability you need in order to be such a careing individual. Because caring and going the extra mile for people takes a lot out of you! You need someone who will re-energize your life.
Nothing in astrology is a " bad " personality gene. And weather or not one of them is better than the other is just a matter of opinion. The truth is that they simply are what they are. We all need some type of emotional or psychological support and fulfillment from other people. Astrology is a tool we can use to help us understand what traits we most need to find in others so that we can not just find peopel that we like, not just people we love, but have the ability to find people who will ultimately make US better people. Because when we are at our most confident and motivated, that's when we can do the most to improve the world we live in and the lives of others around us.
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